I am back! We recently bought a new computer, and blogger actually works on this computer, so I will hopefully be blogging more. On to the stories....
I took Ben and Madeline Trick or Treating today and Ben pretty much melted my heart. Ben used to go to tumbling classes and his teacher, Teacher Kathy, lives right behind us. Her house was about the third we went to. While we were waiting for someone to come to the door Ben took two pieces of candy out of his bucket and said "for Teacher Kathy." I almost cried and unfortunately Teacher Kathy was not home to witness Ben's touching act of charity. At each house after that Ben would dig through his bucket for Candy to give away. The first thing he did when we got home was give a piece of candy to his daddy and say "for you." How precious that he thinks first of others before himself. Growing up the highlight of my birthday was always trick or treating, but I know now it will be taking my children trick or treating and watching them grow into caring, generous individuals.