Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monsday and Fraterday

Madeline's birthday is in two days, so after dinner I brought down her gifts to wrap while the kids were sleeping. Ben saw her gifts including a pretty nifty new doll. Being the caring older brother he is, he looked at me and said "Mom, you open her doll for her?" I explained to Ben that her birthday wasn't until Thursday and that was when she could have her doll. He said "no, it is her birthday. Her birthday is on Monsday." Really... Monsday? Well, I guess he has been talking to his aunt, who used to have a day called "Fraterday." Now the question is, which comes first? Monsday, or Fraterday? We may never know.


Anonymous said...

I asked your sister where Fraterday came from and she doesn't remember. Dad likes the idea of a Fraterday, though.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, wasn't Fraterday a mix between Friday and Saturday. That's about all I can remember.
-The older brother