Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sometimes I forget that I am pregnant. For example, on Thanksgiving I was thinking of bringing a bottle of wine to dinner, and I was trying to think of who would actually drink it. I thought "Grandma will, I will... " Oops! Thankfully I remembered I had a little babe inside me and stopped myself.
The latest example of this happened last night. We had gone out for pizza and when we came home I went to put my pajamas on. I looked in the mirror and in shock thought "did I really eat that much pizza? How did I get so fat so fast?" Again, I had to remind myself of the baby. I think this baby may be stealing my memory.


Nicole Bradica said...

It's okay, you're not the only one with "baby brain." I went to heat up my cup of tea in the fridge the other day. Cuz you know...that's where you "heat" things up:)

Anonymous said...

i still havent recovered.
i dont think i ever will...
but it's okay. now i have kiddos to remind me where the micro and other such life-essentials are located. And once they know their own names, i'll get corrected if i call them by the wrong one.
erica s