Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Yesterday was all about recipes. I have had the urge to bake a lot lately, so I was searching for a banana muffin recipe yesterday and found the website this website is amazing. There are so many recipes and they even send you a "recipe of the day." this is perfect for my quest to become a better cook.
Later in the afternoon I decided to make play dough for Ben, hoping he would actually play with it, and not just try to eat. I used the recipe we use in the preschool and it went great and Ben loved it! He didn't even try to eat it once. I thought I would share the recipe with you, especially those with little ones who love to get messy.
Kool-Aid Playdough
2 pkg. kool-aid (unsweetened)
2 1/2 C. flour
1/2 C. salt
1 Tbsp. cream of tartar
3 Tbsp. oil
2 C. boiling water
Mix dry ingredients, add oil, then boiling water. Mix, then knead, and have fun!

Lastly, for my friend Erica, I said I had a great whole wheat pizza dough recipe. I actually cheated and it is one I found online... but, here it is. It is my favorite pizza dough and use this recipe anytime I make pizza.

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