Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sneaky Chef

I tried to be a sneaky chef at lunch yesterday. I was making macaroni and cheese and in my desperation to get my child to eat vegetables I mixed in some peas. Since Ben is still learning to use a spoon I figured anything that ended up on the spoon would end up in his mouth. It worked for a little while... I think Ben ate maybe 5 peas. Then, my too smart for his own good kid, figured out I was trying to trick him and would pull the peas out of his mouth. Then, he gave up on this and just smeared the macaroni and cheese all over his tray. I think maybe he was trying to pay me back by tricking me into thinking he ate a lot. It didn't work. When I took off the tray he had a lap full of macaroni and cheese and peas. I am sure if we had a dog, the dog would have had a very nice lunch.

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