Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

In our family we have several traditions, kind of to go against the whole commercialization of Valentine's Day. While it is nice to get gifts and show how much you love someone, last year I was searching for some deeper meaning for Valentine's day. I found out that the pagans used to use Valentine's day to draw names out of a hat and that would be their "partner for the year. The Christians then took that idea and changed it to drawing the name of a Saint out of a hat to be their patron for the year. I really liked this idea so instaead of choosing a saint out of a hat, I chose the Infant of Prague, the patron of good finances and family life, for my husband last year. I tried to pray for the Infant's intercession each day for my husband. This year I think it will be Saint Joseph.
On top of this, we do a five dollar gift exchange. It is always interesting to see what five dollars can get you. My husband and I also have a nice homemade dinner together (after the wild child is in bed of course). This year, because we are major nerds, our dinner of roast chicken, garlic mashed potatos, green beans, and chocolate mousse will be eaten at a card table while watching LOST. We are so romantic :) I hope you all enjoy your Valentine's day and don't be afraid to reject the commercialization of it.

1 comment:

lotusblossomjin said...

Haha! I love the saint idea - next year we're doing that, as long as I remember :). Hopeless romantics are we - I cleaned our bedroom as Scott's gift and he was himself for me :) lol. We're right there with ya!