Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's been awhile...

I realized today that it has been quite a while since I last posted anything. Nothing too exciting has been going on here. Jacob is still looking for a job and everyday we are having to put complete trust in God that things will work out and He will not leave us stranded. Benjamin has been obsessed with Mega Blocks recently. We keep them in a closet so we don't have a huge mess all the time. Well, Ben knows where we keep them and all day we hear "blocks, blocks." And, if we don't get them in a certain amount of time, it is tantrum time. I love the terrible twos. The baby is still doing great. Yesterday I had a doctors appointment and they had a hard time getting her heartbeat because she kept moving and kicking the doppler. It seems like she has a little attitude already. Lastly, Jacob taught Ben a new phrase today... "mean mom." Hopefully he doesn't remember it.

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