Thursday, December 13, 2007

So messy, so fast

Isn't it amazing how fast kids can get messy? Ben got dress at 7:45 this morning, and then we left for Mass. On the way to Mass Ben threw up on his coat (don't worry, he's not sick, just a nice combo of hiccups, coughing, and drinking last night's milk this morning... oops). On the way our of Mass, Ben thought it would be fun to splash in the mud puddles in the parking lot. We then went to Panera Bread and while eating a bagel with butter on it Ben gave himself a "butter mustache." When I pointed this out to him he took care of it by wiping his face on his shirt. He then took the straw out of his juice box and shook juice all over himself. On the way out of Panera Ben fell flat on his stomach with his hands down in the muddy parking lot. He found this to be quite funny and tried to do it several more times before we reached the car.
All of this happened before 9:30 am. Needless to say he needed a complete outfit change when we got home, and I am doing a load of laundry now. I can only imagine how much laundry I am going to be doing when the new baby comes.


Mallory said...

All I can say is that you're brave going to daily Mass in the first place, and that anyone who has their child dressed before 8am is a hero in my book!I'd probably take Luke in jammies and slippers...

The mom said...

Well, if he didn't wake up before 6 everyday, that would not be the case.

Nicole Bradica said...

I though Bennie was allergic to milk?

The mom said...

He is lactose intollerant, so he drinks lactaid milk.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious Heidi. I especially like the fact that he enjoyed falling face first into the muddy puddle. Yep, that's my nephew, hehe.